REVIEW ME - And get discount off !!
It's always nice to be able to hear about the recent trips to the beach/park or family events where my Absurd Design products have made an appearance. To know they've gone down well or that you're really happy and pleased with your purchase means the world to me and I'd LOVE to read more stories!
As I've put a delay to online orders I thought this would be a great time to give a little back for your patience while you wait.
It's pretty simple: the more places you review any Absurd Design product the more discount you get off your next online order!
Once you've left a review somewhere, take a screenshot of the review and send it to I'll then send your unique discount code to receive discount off your next online purchase !
Here are links for you to visit to leave a review : - any product page has a 'Customer Review' section, click write a review and get typing ! - my Facebook business page, click the reviews section and leave your opinion, mentioning which product you purchased.
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